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Take Back Control: How to Prevent Goosegrass and Crabgrass on Putting Greens

Goosegrass and crabgrass are grassy annual weeds that germinate in the late spring and throughout the summer. They can be especially problematic in low cut turf areas such as putting greens and collar approaches.

The best approach to avoid an infestation of these problematic weeds is a preventative application of a pre-emergent herbicide designed to provide season-long control.

Goosegrass and Crabgrass Control

Superintendents have long relied on Goosegrass/Crabgrass Control to keep their greens weed-free throughout the spring and summer months.

Combining bensulide and oxadiazon, Goosegrass/Crabgrass control provides season-long control of goosegrass and crabgrass in greens, collars, tees, and fairways.

Even the most experienced turf managers can run into issues when applying this product. With that in mind, trust this list of tips to help ensure success:

Timing is key
Apply before soil temperatures reach 55°F for maximum control.

Split application for reduced yellowing
Use a half-rate application twice, with a 10-day interval between applications.

Apply to dry foliage
Apply in the late morning or early afternoon when the grass is dry to reduce chances of phytotoxicity.

Avoid overlap
Overlap during application can cause yellowing or thinning of the turf.

Water immediately
Irrigate right after application to move the product off of the plant.

Avoid application after aerification
Do not apply if the turf has recently been aerated. Wait 7-10 days.

Temperature precautions
Avoid applying when air temperatures exceed 80°F.

Calibrate equipment
Properly calibrate the spreader using the Prizelawn ARC 1 calibration box to ensure even and accurate distribution.

Fertilizer + Dithiopyr (Dimension) Product Options

Labeled and formulated for bentgrass and bermudagrass greens, these granular products are the most effective pre-emergent controls for goosegrass and other stubborn grassy weeds. Featuring Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology, these formulations disperse with minimal watering and provide greater coverage and higher efficacy.

0-0-5 + 0.103% Dithiopyr (100 SGN)

0-0-20 + 0.164% Dithiopyr (100 SGN)
10-3-10 + 0.164% Dithiopyr (100 SGN)

18-6-15 + 0.164% Dithiopyr (100 SGN)

Keep these tips in mind when applying our small-particle fertilizer + dithiopyr products:

Ensure putting greens are well-drained and managed to promote deep root systems.

Stress management
Do not apply to greens under stress, as this can cause thinning, yellowing, or decline of Poa annua.

Late applications
Early postemergence control is limited; effective only before crabgrass reaches the fifth leaf or first tiller stage.

Turf cultural practices
Perform soil-disturbing practices (aerification, spiking, verticutting) before applying the product.

Desirable species
Do not use on greens with desirable Poa annua populations.

Multiple application programs available
See chart on label for recommended application rate based on turf height of cut and length of desired control.

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About the Author

Ben Pease, PhD

Ben Pease is the Agronomist for The Andersons Turf & Specialty business, responsible for research, service, and technical support. Ben received both his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Wisconsin, and earned his doctorate degree from Iowa State University. Ben has also served as the Assistant Superintendent for Cherokee Country Club (Madison, WI) and Whistling Straits Golf Courses (Sheboygan, WI). 

Contact Us!

With a focus on quality, service, and technology, the products we bring to market are designed to make work easier for those who use them. From a broad range of fertilizers, control products, and soil enhancers, to patented products and delivery systems, we’re committed to delivering next-generation solutions with the highest level of quality and customer service in the industry.

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