When considering fertilizer options this spring for your putting greens, look no further than ammonium sulfate. Delivering nitrogen in a plant-available form, ammonium sulfate-based fertilizers allow turfgrass to absorb nutrients more quickly and rely less on soil temperature and soil microbial activity compared to other nutrient sources.

Ammonium Sulfate vs. Urea
Providing plant-available nitrogen mostly in the form of NH4+ (ammonium) and NO3- (nitrate), ammonium sulfate fertilizers deliver ammonium directly. This is in contrast to urea, which requires soil enzymatic reactions for its nitrogen to become ammonium. Those reactions are dependent on warmer soil temperatures, which cannot always be relied on in spring.
Urea can also volatilize as NH3 gas before being converted into ammonium. Furthermore, the ammonium of ammonium sulfate has a positive charge and is better held on soil colloidal surfaces.
Ammonium Sulfate Solutions
We are proud to offer many fertilizers utilizing ammonium sulfate as the nitrogen source, including both granular and foliar solutions.

The latest innovation to join our CarbonCoat™ line of humic-coated fertility products is Humic Coated Ammonium Sulfate (HCAS™). HCAS (20-0-0-23S) combines ammonium sulfate granules and humic acid to create an ideal nitrogen source for the cooler months of the growing season, when green-up and growth are crucial.

Combine cool-season HCAS applications with summer applications of Humic Coated Urea (HCU®) (44-0-0) to deliver nutrition and humic acid throughout the growing season. Available in both soluble and spreadable formulations, HCAS can be used on both cool and warm-season turf species.

Our line of Contec DG granular fertilizers also includes a number of ammonium sulfate-based solutions perfect for spring applications on greens.
Contec DG 6-0-12 (100% AMS)

Contec DG 7-14-14 (70% AMS, with MUtech® slow-release N)

Contec DG 12-3-12 (100% AMS)

Contec DG 12-24-8 (50% AMS, MUtech® slow-release N)

Contec DG 14-7-14 (40% AMS)

Contec DG 18-9-18 (23% AMS)

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