From industry-leading technology to groundbreaking nutrient delivery systems and next-generation soil amendments, innovation is at the heart of everything we do. 2025 is no exception, and we are proud to introduce our latest innovations.

First launched in 2024, CastAway DG is a natural fertilizer featuring high protein content, nutrients derived from tea seed meal, and patented Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology. Superintendents across the country have already experienced CastAway DG's ease of application and superior efficacy.

3-2-1 Fertilizer with Hydra Charge™
This large-particle, biosolid-based fertilizer features soil-wetting and soil-water-distributing surfactants and contains iron for extra greening. Ideal for high-cut athletic turf and lawn care, 3-2-1 with Hydra Charge should be used prior to and during summer drought stress.

A unique granular formulation combining a complete micronutrient package, humic acid, and biochar. Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology accelerates incorporation, increases coverage, and reduces damage potential.
NutraLime® C (COMING SOON)
Combining hi-calcium lime and humic acid, this Dispersing Granule (DG) soil amendment works to neutralize acidic soils, improve soil structure, and increase organic matter.
CarbonCoat™ Technology
Launched in 2024, CarbonCoat utilizes a patented manufacturing process to bond fertilizer granules with a potassium humate coating. These clean, spherical, free-flowing granules deliver nitrogen and humic acid simultaneously.

The CarbonCoat family of products includes Humic Coated Urea (HCU®), Poly-Coated Humic Coated Urea (PCHCU™), and Humic Coated Ammonium Sulfate (HCAS™).