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Keep Greens Clean this Fall with CastAway™ DG

Fall weather is just around the corner and turf managers need to plan ahead for the unique needs of the season. Now is the time to stock up on CastAway DG, with the window of correct usage being time-sensitive as rains return and temperatures fall.

With that in mind, here are some fall Best Management Practice (BMP) application guidelines for CastAway DG.

  • First application should be at the labeled HIGH rate (5 lbs./M, covers 8,000 ft2)
  • Sequential applications can be at the labeled LOW (3.0 lbs./M, covers 13,300 ft2) or HIGH rate
  • Reapplication interval can be highly variable, dependent on soil and weather conditions
  • Multiple applications are likely necessary
  • Water in all applications, beginning with 0.10” of water, followed by a second application if necessary to fully disperse product
  • Treat putting green edges if treating collars
  • Uniform application is best achieved by using The Andersons Model 2000 or 2000 SR spreaders, cone setting 8

The newest addition to our line of specialty fertilizers, CastAway DG is a natural fertilizer with high protein content and nutrients derived from tea seed meal. CastAway DG also features patented Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology, which allows the granules to dissolve with minimal irrigation and move more quickly into the soil profile.

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About the Author

Ben Pease, PhD

Ben Pease is the Agronomist for The Andersons Turf & Specialty business, responsible for research, service, and technical support. Ben received both his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Wisconsin, and earned his doctorate degree from Iowa State University. Ben has also served as the Assistant Superintendent for Cherokee Country Club (Madison, WI) and Whistling Straits Golf Courses (Sheboygan, WI). 

  • Featured Article

    Introducing CastAway™ DG

    The newest addition to our line of specialty fertilizers, CastAway DG is a natural...

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With a focus on quality, service, and technology, the products we bring to market are designed to make work easier for those who use them. From a broad range of fertilizers, control products, and soil enhancers, to patented products and delivery systems, we’re committed to delivering next-generation solutions with the highest level of quality and customer service in the industry.

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