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(Canada) It's Aerification Season. Are You Ready?

The process of mechanical aerification is a necessary management tool to improve airflow, nutrient and water movement through the soil profile. Following this destructive process, it is vital to jumpstart turfgrass recovery to a quality level necessary to resume play.

Determining the right fertility approach for your aerification program can be a difficult task. The choice to apply fertilizer before, during and/or after mechanical aerification provides unique options for ensuring your turf recovers quickly.

Below, we’ve outlined a collection of our premium products best suited for aerification applications.

Genesis Rx 5-7-5 is an all-in-one fertility and soil amendment product for easy application in conjunction with aerification. This product is a high-quality NPK fertility blend containing secondary and minor elements and utilizing our patented Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology. This unmatched combination provides turfgrass with the nutrition needed for recovery from aerification stress, along with sustained feeding. We further value engineered this product by adding 21.5% Humic DG™ (by weight) in the bag to deliver soil microorganisms the carbon-rich food source they desire.

For best results, Genesis Rx can be applied two weeks prior to and/or following aerification. Download the Aerification Fertility Guide to explore application recommendations.

Apply at 25-100 g/m2 and drag into aerification holes with sand topdressing

Humic DG CharX harnesses the power of humic acid and biochar in a 50/50 blend, providing the benefits of the more quickly-available humic acid and the long-term soil building qualities of biochar. This product is designed to enhance the efficiency of applied nutrients while improving soil moisture retention. Along with carbon, biochar also contains karrikins, a family of bioactive compounds that stimulate root growth. DG Technology improves coverage and enhances the efficiency of recovery efforts.

Humic DG CharX is recommended for application after aerification as a stand-alone topdress treatment or incorporated with topdressing sand or fertilizer applications. Apply 50-225 kg/ha (45-200 lbs/acre) per year or 50-100 kg/ha (45-90 lbs/acre) anytime during the growing season. For complete application instructions, consult product label.

Nutri DG 18-9-18 is one of the most popular greens formulations in our premium fertility offering. Many golf course superintendents already use this product in their baseline fertilizer programs, making it an easy addition to aerification programs.

Nutri DG 18-9-18 can be applied in preparation for aerification at a rate of 15-30 g/m2. For complete application instructions, consult product label.

Humic DG is a powerful humic acid-based soil amendment perfect for application following aerification or other intensive maintenance practices. Humic acid is a natural soil conditioner, organic chelator, and microbial stimulator. Containing all three humic fractions (fulvic acid, humic acid, and humins) delivered with a dispersing granule, Humic DG is the perfect counterpart for sand topdressing or in conjunction with other premium aerification products such as Genesis Rx 5-7-5.

Humic acid is a natural soil conditioner, organic chelator, and microbial stimulator that provides the following benefits:

Supplies an oxidized, soluble carbon source, leading to improvement in long-term soil pH
Enhances efficiency of applied nutrients and increases availability of soil phosphorus
Retains soil moisture and enables better water penetration in the soil, resulting in reduced water requirement
Chelates soil micronutrients, increasing their availability

Humic DG is recommended for application after aerification as a top-dress treatment. Typical application rates range from 0.5-1.0 kg of product per 100 sq. meters (1-2 lbs/1,000 sq. ft.), and can be mixed directly in with sand for easy application. For complete application instructions, consult product label.

DG Lime and DG Gypsum are premium specialty soil amendments. DG Lime provides plant-essential calcium and magnesium, while increasing soil pH. In addition to calcium, DG Gypsum also provides sulfur, which stimulates soil microbiology while reducing soil pH. Both products feature Dispersing Granule Technology, which ensures quick breakdown of the granules with no residual left behind for potential mower pickup.

DG Lime and DG Gypsum are recommended for application after aerification as a top-dress treatment. Typical application rates range from 10–40 g/m2 (100–400 kg/ha) for DG Lime. and 5–50 g/m2 (250–500 kg/ha) for DG Gypsum, and can be mixed directly in with sand for easy application. For complete application instructions, consult product labels.

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About the Author

Ben Pease, PhD

Ben Pease is the Agronomist for The Andersons Turf & Specialty business, responsible for research, service, and technical support. Ben received both his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Wisconsin, and earned his doctorate degree from Iowa State University. Ben has also served as the Assistant Superintendent for Cherokee Country Club (Madison, WI) and Whistling Straits Golf Courses (Sheboygan, WI). 

Simplify Aerification with Genesis Rx

This guide, Featuring Genesis Rx 5-7-5, provides agronomic recommendations for aerification fertility, including strategies for pre-aerification and post-aerification application.  

Complete the form and The Andersons Aerification Fertility Guide will be emailed to you shortly.

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