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Available in USA
50% Fortify-N
- For fertilization and insect control in turfgrass and landscape ornamentals and sod farms
- Fertilizer with MERIT® Insecticide
- Contains MERIT® Insecticide
Category | Insecticides, Fertilizer + Insecticide |
Markets | Golf, Sports Fields, Lawn & Landscape |
Application / Areas of Use | Golf Courses, Residential Lawns, Commercial Lawns, Ornamentals, Sod Farms, Nursery, Specialty Crops, Sports Fields |
Technologies | -- |
States Registered | |
Registration Number | |
Density (lbs/ft3) | 59.6 |
Package Wt. | 50 lbs |
Bag/Pallet | 40 |
SGN Size | 215 |
Type | Granular |
Nitrogen Source(s) | Urea, Fortify-N |
Slow-Release N (%) | 50 |
Active Ingredient(s) | Imidacloprid (Merit) - 0.2% |

Packaging may differ and is subject to change.
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